Awesome technology at work. Trusty-Cook is proud to be partnering

Spindle liners – MMS’s May 2016 Feature Story
Excerpts from Modern Machine Shop – May Issue Feature Story-by

Featured Article: Running Shaped Bar Stock with CNC Spindle Liners
In October 2006, Automatic Machining Magazine featured an article on

Trusty-Cook on The Garage Journal Board
Real review by real people. See what people are saying

Trusty-Cook & the LNS Quick 6 bar feeder

Trusty-Cook, Inc. Supports Our Troops!
Proud army mom Terri Cook of Byrdstown, Tennessee wanted her

Truckin Magazine Reviews Our Ball Peen Hammers
From Armstrong to Estwing, Truckin Magazine put our ball peen hammers

Production Machining™ Magazine Features Trusty-Cook
So why are urethane spindle liners from Trusty-Cook the best

Gerry Dick Highlights Trusty-Cook on Inside INdiana Business
Host Gerry Dick of Inside INdiana Business highlights Trusty-Cook on his

Indianapolis Business Journal Feature: Family Follows Trusty Path
The Indianapolis Business Journal featured us in an article about our

Watch Eddie Trotta Use Trusty-Cook Hammers on His Bikes
It’s no secret our high-quality hammers are built to tackle

Thunder Cycle Design Uses Our Spindle Liners on V-Twin TV
Watch Ian, a CNC Programmer at Thunder Cycle Design, talk
Our dedication to and mastery of our craft is a direct reflection of decades in the business. From niche markets to private label customers, we’ve developed a process that works and gives you the flexibility you need to get the job done right.